I've recently had the great pleasure of attending a meeting for the bloggers
on the Daily Local News of West Chester's 'Blogtown', of which I am the newest member . The day before this meeting, I watched the video below: Sir Ken Robinson regarding a "new" educational paradigm. The correlation for me between the two is the amazing spirit of unity between the "empowered" individual and the "health" of the community on a local level ( and beyond).
As a person with a visible "difference" myself (and among those who, in the classroom setting, had a substantially challenging time),I am considerably blown away by this video and Sir Ken!! Major kudos, Sir Kenneth! I can't help but feel I've found the Holy Grail of Validation, in the sense that I have (and probably MILLIONS of others!) felt this way innately as a child and thereafter for years hence.
I feel very grateful for Sir Ken's work and feel that it is part of my own "effort" when I create, perform and pursue what is most precious to me: individual, creative expression/learning tailored to suit my 'style': my 'way'... as part of the rich community of life on Earth...and beyond.