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Sunday, June 10, 2012

thoughts are important

 I'm in the process of making a film/series/talk show/book ( heck, maybe even a T-shirt or..or...a line of DOLLs!) about the internal/ emotional experience of  being "normal- yet -noticeably" different. Of "sticking out" in a crowd when you DON'T want to. Not the illustrious, star-studed dream life of a public figure (or so we imagine), but the everyday life of the average human who just wants to be.

 Imagine, if you will: you're going about your daily routines, errands and chores and are frequently the subject of someones disgruntled, nervous or curious stare. When you go to a restaurant to have a quiet meal and you're the one whose noisy (no, not your chewing). When you're in a movie and you involuntarily make commentary ( sometimes that's entertaining ). You're in a library and you have what feels like an uncontrollable urge to blurt absurd things about your surroundings or what those surroundings make you think about ( FIRE!) Or you're walking down the market isle side-stepping every 5 feet  because you just "have to".'re walking down a city street and the police pull up on the curb blocking you with their car.. and JUMP OUT Keystone-Cop style and shout "what are you on!?

 I must say that talking to ones' self has become SO much easier with the advent of cell/digital phones. I feel a strange ... satisfaction... when I see folks all around me looking as though they are talking to THEMselves too!

This is a story about appearing to be normal, yet not quite. About appearing to be ok, yet not quite. About looking like you're fine, yet not quite. I'm thinking alot these days about " yet, not quite".