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Sunday, February 19, 2012


I'm amazed. I haven't blogged for MONTHS. And yet it feels like only WEEKS! Fortunately, I HAVE been doing! I'm working on a movie about my
Synaptic Adventure, Tourettes. So my lack of Synaptic Adventure Blog posts is NOT representative of a lack of ...well...DOING! I'm starting a new trend, though. Today's blog marks the start of what will be a weekly event.

That said, How have you been? What are you up to? What do you WANT to be up to? If you were up to THAT thing you wanted to be up to, WHERE would you be up to it at? Geographically, philosophically, economically, AND.. anatomically? No need to answer those questions, unless you feel you must. Have to. Feel...COMPELLED to! Compulsion. It's a force. Of nature. HUMAN nature.
Or is it? ONLY human? Instinct is NOT Compulsion. Instinct is survival Compulsion is more akin to..DESIRE. Consequently, arguably human.

So by all means, the questions!