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Thursday, December 30, 2010

And a Happy.... New ....Year...

And a Happy.... New ....Year...

How many times have you heard these words..and what do they mean ?
With each new year we resolve to make a change, a commitment, a move...
or... not. I mean we may NOT go for anything specific. We may actually avoid
the enter event and carry on as we always have.

I have done both, as I imagine many folks have. I now feel, personally, that each moment asks of me the same thing really. No matter what the current event, season or situation:
Am I happy or not? If I'm happy, why change? If I'm not, THAT's why! Of course this way of thinking can create many questions. I hope you all will post your thoughts on this. Happy Hollandaise and ..enjoy the view...see you on the "other" side : )

best wishes
Stephen DiJoseph

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