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Friday, August 19, 2011

WHATs Happening!!??

Hello fine folks!

I just got back from a fantastic "Jam Band " festival called Jam at the Grove and let me tell you, these band where TOP NOTCH awesome! Video below...

I have been searching for fresh musical talent (to my ears) to bring into my movie project and I have MORE-than found that! An excellent guitar wiz/one-man-band-type dude is Keith Kenny (video below) ..a band named Papadosio. SO...the script for A SynapTIC Adventure: Tourettes and Beyond expands as there will be cameo-type appearances by some of these awesome musical comrades.

ALSO I met a camera person...who has Tourettes! Haha...I hope that doesn't... shake... you up! LOL...Quite honestly, there is a strong focus-abiltiy quality about this fine brain anomaly that enables incredible concentration. In one of his books titled 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat' , author/physician Oliver Sacks tells the story of a brain surgeon in British Columbia who has TS. This surgeon would tic and tic-swear and tic-throw things at the 'fridge when at home. His wife explains to Sacks that "this is where he can cut loose"! A BRAIN SURGEON!... can you imagine?! woah! "nurse?...scalpel...oops!...replacement nurse?... scalpel...oops! new replacement nurse?..." Seriously though, he is excellent and steady of hand during procedures. Amazing brain. However, I'm quite sure he had to work to gain the confidence of his follow surgeons...and patients.

It has been my experience that explanation followed by demonstration is
crucial to the brain's ability to comprehend in a holospheric manner. So,
here's some video:
Oliver Sacks

Keith Kenny


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